Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

OLLI Seminar Series Begins Thursday

OLLI Seminar Series Begins Thursday

Photo courtesy of Widener University

Photo courtesy of Widener University

OLLI at Widener presents its June seminar series beginning Thursday, June 6, and continuing each Thursday during the month. The first session allows you to travel through time for a unique look at artist John Singleton Copley, through the eyes of his wife Sukey, portrayed for this seminar by Jaan Troltenier.

This immersive historical and cultural experience begins an eclectic season of learning with OLLI (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute) at Widener University. Subsequent sessions explore brain health, musical echoes of World War II, music reading demystified, and origami.

OLLI seminars are free and open to the public, though you must RSVP to or 610-499-4279. All seminars are in Widener’s University Center; parking is in the Old Main lot across the street.

Memorial Day in Swarthmore and Rose Valley

Memorial Day in Swarthmore and Rose Valley

DCCC Makes Case for New Site at Old Prendie

DCCC Makes Case for New Site at Old Prendie