Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Dracula: the Bloody Truth at Hedgerow

Dracula: the Bloody Truth at Hedgerow


Next week, Hedgerow Theatre opens its production of Dracula, the Bloody Truth, a comic reassessment of the vampire legend told by novelist Bram Stoker. What if Stoker‘s Dracula was not fiction at all, but fact, asks playwright John Nicholson? The play explores the possibilities in a month-long run, with several previews preceding opening night, Friday, August 16, and continuing through September 15.

At the turn of the 20th century, Professor Van Helsing and three sophomoric actors travel Europe at the turn of the century attempting to convince the public of the dangers of the undead. These undead are among a dizzying succession of characters played at Hedgerow by Adam Altman, Joanna Bak, Robert Smythe, and Mark Swift. Smyth is also the production’s director.

They live by night, with performances Thursday through Saturday evenings, and by day in Saturday and Sunday matinees. Information and tickets are at

NPT Adopts Resolution to End Gerrymandering

NPT Adopts Resolution to End Gerrymandering

Exploring International Connections in the Keystone State

Exploring International Connections in the Keystone State