All tagged Swarthmore United Methodist Church

A Unique Collaboration for the Community

The Swarthmore Community Center, a nonprofit established in 1978 and long located behind Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, was recently devastated by the effects of the pandemic and by losing its long-held lease. Happily, the center and Swarthmore United Methodist Church (SUMC) have collaborated to use their existing resources to further their respective missions, both of which seek to promote the greater good of our community: they are pleased to announce that they have entered into a joint agreement to establish a new community center, to be called the Park Avenue Community Center—“the PAC Center” for short. It will be located at 129-131 Park Avenue and will open on January 1, 2022.

Songs of Freedom

Swarthmore United Methodist Church has hosted several educational fundraising events in support of Justice for Our Neighbors of the Delaware Valley (JFON), which provides pro bono immigration support services. The church will hold another one, “Songs of Freedom,” on Saturday, October 16, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., on the church lawn.

Raising Donations for JFON

The Swarthmore United Methodist Church will hold a fundraising event, “Songs of Freedom,” on Saturday, October 16, at 3 p.m., to which the community is invited. Food trucks and members of the church who are talented bakers will offer items for sale, and cash donations will also be accepted: all proceeds from the event will go to support JFON.

SUMC Community Concert

Swarthmore United Methodist Church invites the community to the second of its free Sunday night concerts on the lawn, July 11 at 7 p.m., The concert will feature local musicians Jack Scott and Ingrid Rosenback of the band Last Chance.

SUMC Invites You to Classical Concert Next Sunday

Swarthmore United Methodist Church is presenting a special musical event for the congregation and the entire community on Sunday, October 27, beginning at 5 p.m. in the church sanctuary at 129 Park Avenue. Flutist Frances Tate, from the Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia, is a Swarthmore resident and an active teacher and performer in the Philadelphia area. She will play selections by Mozart, Copland, and Böhm.

Blessed Be the Animals at SUMC

Did you sing “All things bright and beautiful! All creatures great and small!” when you were a child? You and all members of the Swarthmore community are invited to reprise those lyrics along with the congregation of Swarthmore United Methodist Church this Sunday, October 13, at 10:30 a.m. at a Blessing of the Animals.