Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Feeding the kids

Feeding the kids

To the Editor,

I am writing to express my deep appreciation for the efforts of Micah Knapp, president of the Nether Providence Board of Commissioners, and his colleagues, Matt Garson and Max Cooper, to bring meals to hungry children in the Wallingford-Swarthmore School District, meals that typically would be provided if the schools were open instead of being closed for COVID-19.  Despite their research and the options these commissioners and their Coronavirus Emergency Committee have presented, the district seems to be actively resisting their efforts. Even as Knapp and others have determined the eligibility of WSSD for the state waiver to provide the food outside of schools (by offering grab-and-go meals in the proper census block sites that meet the requirements, as Lower Merion does), our school district still refuses to pursue the waiver, and instead, encourages families to drive to Ardmore (!) to get the food they are legally entitled to.

Considering that many of these families will face increasing hardships and job losses in ensuing weeks as the virus continues to ravage our country, are we really asking them to plan to drive an hour or more round trip daily to take advantage of Lower Merion’s largesse? We are a generous community and a public-spirited one. Surely, we are not going to leave hungry children who had nothing to do with our current emergency in this lurch, counting on volunteers to get them gift cards if their parents can’t drive to Ardmore. This stance does not reflect the values and the kindness of our community, and I hope very much that the Coronavirus Emergency Committee’s recommendations will be acted upon without delay.

Katherine A. S. Sibley

Note: On Monday, March 30, WSSD superintendent Lisa Palmer sent an email to the school community announcing that — beginning Thursday, April 2 — the district would offer free breakfast and lunch to any child 18 years old or younger. Packaged meals are to be distributed in the Strath Haven Middle School parking lot on Mondays and Thursdays between 10 a.m. and noon, and will be put directly into the trunks of cars to minimize interpersonal contact. Pre-registration is requested for planning purposes. Register here or call 484-800-5197. Direct any questions to

Vote from home during quarantine

Vote from home during quarantine

Embracing creative acts of kindness

Embracing creative acts of kindness