Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

The Swarthmorean publishers are leaders in our community

To the Editor,

If you know Todd, Greg, and Rob, you know that the narrative that has been shared about a “directive” they issued does not line up in any way with the people they are. You know that they aren’t white racist men trying to avoid uncomfortable conversations. They are our neighbors, friends, and leaders in our community. You also know that from the beginning of their time at The Swarthmorean, they have been working to bring the paper closer to Chester. I think we all know that matters of racism and social justice do not begin and end in Swarthmore, and we have an obligation to our neighbors near and far. I hope the people of our town will take their energy and passion for social justice and use it to enact change not by posting on social media, but by having thoughtful conversations and taking meaningful actions.

Tayler Moots

Swarthmorean, quo vadis?

We should listen