All tagged School

Scheming to Stay Connected

While I’m excited about going back to in-person school on October 12, I also know that about half of my class is going to still be going to school virtually, so I won’t be able to see them. I’m bracing myself for it to be tough: We’re going to have to be in a class without any contact, and we’ll always be under strict rules and schedules made by the school. There will be no uncharted time for us to just be kids for a moment.

My Choice for School Choice

The topic of education has come up a lot in the past few weeks as decisions are being made about how schools will respond to the coronavirus this fall. Some colleges are going all online, and some are limiting their campuses to just freshman and sophomores. Local school districts are trying to decide whether to go fully open or to mix in-school and home-school learning. I know it’s not on the table, but maybe one day someone would consider allowing students from one Delco public school to use vouchers to attend school elsewhere in the county. Right now, Chester-Upland funding follows the student to a charter school. What if it also followed them to Strath Haven, Garnet Valley, Haverford, or Radnor? Opinion Piece