All in To The Community

Trinity Norwood to Speak on Indigenous People

Trinity Norwood, a member of the Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Tribal Nation in New Jersey, will speak to Swarthmore Friends Meeting and the wider community on Tuesday, November 9, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., via Zoom. As an advocate for indigenous peoples, Trinity works to promote understanding of indigenous issues and to teach about them through multiple mediums, including art, film, and literature.

Voting Information

A reminder about the upcoming election on November 2. This year’s ballot is a particularly long one, taking up a double-sided sheet of paper with 16 different races, plus a second single-sided sheet with 9 Yes/No questions about whether judges should be retained for another term. We wanted to give you advance notice that filling them out may take a while, and lines may form at the polling places on Election Day.

Thank you

Thank you to all who came to our Swarthmore Independence Day celebration, which we were able to hold again after last year’s temporary break. While we were a little rusty, it was once again a great morning.

Thank you for your words in action

As we embark on this week of Juneteenth 2021, I cannot help but reflect on the progress we’ve made for my community in Chester City. Several friends from Swarthmore have stepped up during — and prior — to the pandemic and civil unrest due to the murder of George Floyd. Thanks to many of you, our nonprofit, Making A Change Group, was able to transition from our primarily school-based youth mentor programs to meeting the needs of youth and families while developing a robust community outreach program. As of this year, I began another advocacy journey in the quest for political reform in Chester.

Lenten service project a success

The outreach committee of Trinity Church Swarthmore would like to thank all of those in the community who made donations to our March service project. In honor of National Women’s History Month, and as a Lenten service project, we collected monetary donations to purchase feminine hygiene products for St. Mary’s Food Cupboard in Chester and Family Promise of Delaware County in Parkside.