All tagged Politics

Looking Toward 2024

The approval rating for Vice President Kamala Harris, which shows that barely one in four (28%) approve of her performance, is abysmally low. This spells trouble for Ms. Harris and for the overall Democratic party. It is incumbent upon President Biden to give Ms. Harris more opportunities to break through the sexist and racist stereotypes some associate with being a woman of color.

Just say no

By law, Congress is required to create a budget. Demand to see a budget. Demand them to re-organize. This is our money, not theirs. Congress represents us. Say NO to raising the debt ceiling.

President Joe Biden: caretaker or crusader?

Would it not be supremely ironic if President Joe Biden, in his 78th year of life, and after 50 years in government, turned out to be not presiding over a caretaker presidency — not just being a bridge from the past to a new, much more progressive, future — but instead ushering in a new governmental paradigm and becoming a crusader for progressive values and governance?

If not for Black support in the Democratic primaries, Joe Biden would not have won his party’s nomination. And, if not for overwhelming Black support in several key swing states during the presidential election, Donald Trump would have been sworn in for his second term, and Joe Biden would not be our new president. All Americans owe Black voters a debt of gratitude. It’s time to start repaying that debt.

Lawsuit by attorneys general a disgrace

What does it mean when the attorneys general of 17 states pursue a patently frivolous action in the Supreme Court of the United States seeking to invalidate elections in four states (including Pennsylvania) and to strip over 19 million Americans of their right to vote? It means that they value preening in front of their base and a morally bankrupt president over their oath of office, their ethical obligations as officers of the court, and any pretense of common decency.

Congratulations Swarthmore, all 3,377 of you who helped elect the ultimate career politician to the presidency. I guess you are looking forward to allowing the oligarchs, globalists, and our ruling class back into control. Welcome back to the Democrat plantation where you are defined by your identity, not your talents. Where your white guilt is applauded.

Old Glory should be a symbol of unity

Upon hearing of the impending victory of Joe Biden as the next president of the United States, my father and I picked up an American flag, draped it over our shoulders, and went out for a walk to celebrate. As we walked however, we encountered multiple people who were unnerved by it, because they believed us to be right-wing agitators.

Justices are human, too

Neither everyday humans nor Supreme Court justices have the Vulcan-like ability (like Mr. Spock on “Star Trek”) to be free of emotional bias in their decision-making. Let’s set aside this canard and face reality. Amy Coney Barrett, if confirmed, like all the justices past and present, will bring with her to the court all of the implicit cognitive biases that are part of her being.

Putting mail-in voting concerns to rest

The League of Women Voters of Delaware County wants every registered voter to have an opportunity to vote, but also to assure voters that no one will be able to vote twice. There has never been massive, organized voter fraud involving mail-in ballots in any state, even though some states have had vote-by-mail for decades.

Different kinds of leadership

Leadership is generally conceived of as something honorable and noble. We think of such people as Winston Churchill and MLK. But leadership is not always positive and benign in how it leads our thinking and behavior. It involves compellingly powerful ideas. The theme from our administration has been one of fear and divisiveness. It has emerged from a phalanx of strong voices, not just that of the president, and not only of people currently in the news.

A dark foreshadowing

It is difficult not to feel despair over recent events. An image that of late has been in my mind is Canadian artist Greg Curnoe’s 1972 India ink on paper drawing, “Map of North America,” in which the United States is entirely eliminated, leaving only Canada and Mexico.

In the United States in 2020, and for much of the past three years, “performance art” has taken the main stage and dominated our political lives and much of our daily lives as well. The impresario, the “star” of this “theater of the absurd,” is none other than our president, Donald Trump. He is simply a master at pulling the strings and making us, the American people, the entire Republican party — and the media — his puppets.

Nominations for a State Department Wall of Fame

The impeachment hearings have shone a bright light on a group of heretofore nameless and faceless career public servants who defied Trump’s demand that they not comply with congressional subpoenas to testify in the House’s inquiry. As a result of their willingness to come forward, these courageous individuals have endured harassment, attacks on their personal character, and even death threats. I would like to propose a Wall of Fame at the U.S. Department of State and nominate the following individuals…