All tagged 2019/05

Ah — Memorial Day — hopefully good weather for picnics, yard projects, just enjoying a long, lazy weekend. But why do we really have this springtime long weekend? The hope and expectation is that we will take some time to reflect and maybe even attend a memorial ceremony that honors those who died in wars that our country has fought in in the defense of freedom — both home and abroad.

This year, 2019, marks the 150th anniversary of the founding of P.E.O., an international philanthropic organization that celebrates the advancement of women. This is accomplished by funding women’s education through scholarships, grants, awards, and loans. P.E.O. also supports a four-year college, Cottey College, in Nevada, Missouri.

I thought I could relax and no longer have to read all the labels on dairy products. But then I began reviewing some nutritional pages that talked about the toxicity of tofu and soy (never again) and dairy products. I learned that the milk sold at the Swarthmore Co-op and at Target was rBGH free. I also learned that each rBGH cow produces ten pounds more milk per day, and needs 10% less feed - a big profit incentive for the dairy industry. (Ten years ago they successfully lobbied Harrisburg to pass legislation — since rescinded — making it illegal to label dairy as rBGH free.)

Congratulations and thanks to all of the runners and walkers who participated in last Sunday’s 18th Annual Swarthmore Charity Fun-Fair 5K sponsored by the Swarthmore Lions Club and the Swarthmore Rotary Club. It turned out to be a beautiful day and the storms that had been forecast held off.

I wanted to update you of the work my 4th grade students are doing to help our environment and to save marine animals’ lives. As reported in the April 5 issue of the Swarthmorean, these Wallingford Elementary students began an initiative to limit the damage single-use plastic straws are doing to our environment by reaching out to restaurants and encouraging them to distribute straws on a “request only” basis.

Let’s consider these terms: preferred pronoun. Cisgender. Heteronormativity. LGBTQIA. How many of us would be hard-pressed to explain them accurately, even those of us who express a general solidarity with the LGBT community with rainbow flags, solidarity stickers, or an occasional petition signature?

Recently, I was very fortunate to get a tour of Nick’s House at 200 South Chester Road, at the corner of Harvard Avenue. Cheryl Colleluori, Nick’s mom and president of the house, led two friends and me through the building. Nick, who succumbed to cancer in 2006 at the age of 21, founded the charitable, non-profit Headstrong Foundation with a vision to help people stricken by his disease.

In next Tuesday’s primary election, there will be more candidates running for Delaware County Court of Common Pleas than there are seats available. That’s true for both parties. Democrats will be asked to choose four candidates from a list of eleven, and Republicans will select four from a list of ten.

Scientists are warning us that the planet Earth is in the midst of a sixth great mass extinction. More than one million species are at risk of disappearing. Why does it matter? All life, including human life, is woven into the fabric of our world, inextricably interconnected in ways we might not even imagine or understand. Aside from the travesty of losing some incredible and beautiful creatures, they are an integral part of what makes our world so awesome.

When you rise in the morning, is the first thing on your mind how to curate the day? If not, you are in all likelihood making a colossal blunder.  Without careful curation the day will most probably go off the beam.  It’s a ticket to chaos and confusion, to being surrounded by molecules of disorder.